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MHL Select Division Information

House Select Division 2024-2025

House Select dates for 2024-2025 season.

December 13-15, 2024 In-Conference weekend

  • North Conference Squirt, Peewee, Bantam teams in Fremont
  • South Conference Squirt, Peewee, Bantam teams in Kansas City

January 10-12, 2025 Cross Conference weekend

  • All Squirt teams in Kansas City, most games at KC Ice Center in Shawnee, KS
  • All Peewee teams in Kansas City, most games at KC Ice Center in Shawnee, KS
  • All Bantam teams in Fremont

January 24-26, 2025 Finals

  • Squirt Finals in Omaha/Fremont
  • Peewee Finals in Kansas City at Line Creek Ice Arena
  • Bantam Finals in Quad Cities

2024-2025 Teams

Squirt North Conference:
Tri City
KC Saints

Squirt South Conference:
KC Carriage Club
KC Stars
KC Outlaws
KC Icehawks

Peewee North Conference:
KC Icehawks

Peewee South Conference:
KC Carriage Club
KC Stars
KC Outlaws

Bantam North Conference:
Tri City
Quad City

Bantam South Conference:
KC Carriage Club
KC Stars
KC Outlaws


Scott Long


Phone: 515-491-3703

Mary Helmick


Phone: 913-634-6465

Layout and Fee Information

MHL House Select Division is for 10U Squirt, 12U Peewee, and 14U Bantam teams.  The league is played over 3 weekends for total of approximately 10-14 games.  Hosting locations will be determined when registration closes. Players can only play on one team within the league. Players must have played in one of the two seeding weekends to be eligible to play finals weekend.

No payment will be taken during this registration but a $1,000 deposit per team is required to secure your spot in this league.   MAKE SURE YOU PUT 'SELECT LEAGUE and your TEAM NAME AND DIVISION' IN THE MEMO OF THE CHECK. The remaining balance will be determined after registrations are finalized and hosting schedule is set. For budgeting purposes the cost is generally $2,400 to $2,800 per team depending on how many teams are in your division.

Checks payable to MWAHA and mailed to:
Mike Hurd
908 West 35th Street
Davenport, IA 52806

Registration deadline is October 15, 2024.
Deposit deadline is December 1st, 2024.
Questions can be directed to Scott Long


Team Information for House Select weekends.

STICKERS FOR SCORESHEETS – Please bring several sheets of roster labels for the scoresheets. Turn all your sheets in before your first set of games each weekend,  scoresheets will be prepared for each game ahead of time.

USA HOCKEY ROSTERS – Each team needs to have an official USA Hockey roster.  This can be obtained from your association Registrar.  All players and coaches need to be listed on the roster and have proper certification.  Email your USAH roster link to Mary Helmick at no less than one week before the first games and turn a paper copy to the hosting association when they arrive before their first game each weekend.  

CLOCK AND SCORESHEET DUTY – Please be prepared to help cover the clock and scoresheet for all your games.   The hosting association may ask for help.
Clock is 12/12/12 stop time. 1:00 minute penalties.  Specific game rules for seeding games and play-off games are in the below Playing Rules document.

PENTALTY BOX – Each team needs to provide their own penalty box attendant for each game.

GAME RULES – See below.

Players can only play on ONE team within the league.
Players must have played in one of the two seeding weekends to be eligible to play in finals weekend.

ZERO TOLERANCE everyone.  Please respect the rink, your opponents, coaches and referees!